If the sniffles seem to be a permanent state for you, you may be suffering from allergens at home. Reducing those allergens can be done. A checklist of possible culprits will have you and your loved ones breathing easy in no time.
Carpets feel great under feet but can bring on a plethora of allergy symptoms. As beautiful as they are, carpets carry a whole lot more than warmth and comfort. Dust, dirt, pet hair, dander, mites and skin cells all make a home in your carpets. Cleaning carpets on a regular basis will keep these allergens down and vacuuming will certainly reduce the debris found in carpets. Those who suffer from specific air born allergies know that carpets have no place in a home with people who have these allergies. Reducing the use of carpets throughout the home but especially in the bedroom will certainly improve air quality.
A dog may be man’s best friend and still be the cause of the misery that allergens can bring. Some people have specific allergies to cats and/or dogs but even without a diagnosis, many can still be sensitive to animal dander. Our beloved pets carry all kinds of air born debris. They in turn sleep in our beds, hang out on our coaches and sit in our laps. If you own a pet, its’ very hard to avoid the allergens they carry.You can, however, ensure your cats remain indoor cats. Indoor cats are healthier cats and make for healthier pet owners. Bathing dogs will cut down on the amount of hair they shed and will, in turn, cut down on the amount of allergens in the air.
Air Duct Cleaning
If you haven’t had your air ducts cleaned in more than five years, now is the time. A whole lot of allergens can be eradicated from your home when you enlist the help of professional air duct cleaners. While it may be a simple task to get allergies out of your home, your air ducts aren’t so easy to get and keep clean of all that pet hair, dander, dust, skin cells and dare we say spiders. The professionals will come in and effectively remove those sneeze causing elements from the airways of your home. The air ducts in your home do a great job of circulating heat and air conditioning throughout but will also circulate everything else that enters your home. A good air duct cleaning will have you breathing easier.
Vacuum, Vacuum, Vacuum
It’s great for your carpets and good for the air we breathe. Vacuuming on a regular basis will reduce allergens in the air. It will ensure those elements that have you all stuffed up are kept to a minimum. Many allergens at home will eventually settle to the ground, on curtains and upholstery. Vacuuming them up and disposing of them will effectively improve your air quality. Vacuuming often is the key.
Eliminate the culprit
Unfortunately, if all else fails, removing the source of those allergens might be in the cards for those who are suffering from the effects. Plainly put, if you or someone you love is allergic to cats, do not introduce cats to your home. If you have the opportunity to live without carpets, take it. Keep a clean home. The more you vacuum dust and air out the home, the cleaner the air will be. In short, don’t be bad housekeeper with allergies.
Allergens are a given. Keeping control of the kind of allergens and a number of allergens in the home is possible. There is loads that can be done to improve the air quality in your home with a little budget, time and attention, you’ll be saving on tissues in no time. Sometimes, you might need a professional cleaning done to get rid of the allergens in your home. So if you’re in need of professional carpet cleaning, furniture cleaning, and/or duct cleaning, contact us today and our team of experts at Kleen Rite will be ready to help.