You’ve made arrangements for a professional carpet cleaner to come into your home to clean your hard working carpets and freshen up the appeal of your house. In addition to the fresh look that clean carpets present, the process actually lengthens the carpet’s lifespan.
Preparing for carpet cleaning isn’t difficult, but there are a few tips for you to follow that will help you prepare your home before the cleaning technicians arrive. Most suggestions are straightforward in order to get the job accomplished effectively. While it’s great to hire a professional to do the dirty work, taking these proactive steps will ensure you get the cleanest carpet possible and return on your investment.
Pre-Cleaning Inspection
During the pre‐cleaning inspection, discuss any cleaning concerns that you may have, particularly those regarding spots or stains and if possible, what caused the stain(s). Cleaning technicians are trained in specialized spotting procedures and therefore, will be able to evaluate spots and make appropriate recommendations.
Remove as much dirt and debris from the carpet fiber as possible prior to cleaning. By vacuuming ahead of time, this procedure will help ensure that the carpet technician focuses on the deep down soiled-in dirt.
Some cleaning services will vacuum the carpet prior to beginning their work while others rely on the homeowner. Ask your carpet cleaning professional whether or not you need to vacuum before they arrive.
Baseboards and HVAC Registers
Cleaning your baseboards and HVAC registers is a good task to perform because these areas can accumulate dirt and dust. By eliminating the debris, you can help ensure that your carpet is less likely to become dirty as quickly following the cleaning.
Remove Fragile or Valuable Items
Accidents can happen to fragile items in the path of carpet cleaning, so avoid anything like porcelain, knick-knacks, fine china, or other potentially breakable items. Rest your mind at ease that these treasured items are safe by storing them away in another location.
Additionally, even though most carpet cleaning companies thoroughly screen and bond their staff, it’s a good idea to remove any items of value from rooms where carpet cleaning is being done. If you don’t have a safe, store your valuables behind a locked door or in your car’s trunk.
To ensure the best possible clean, you may want to move furniture from the high traffic areas. In addition, you may want to ensure your carpet is totally clean from wall to wall in which case you can move the furniture to an empty room without carpet. Some companies will move the furniture for you, so ask up front during the pre-inspection appointment.
Point Out Areas of Concern
You may have gone over areas of concern during your initial inspection, but it’s worth mentioning these spots again to the cleaning technician. By showing a professional carpet cleaner the stains and spots again, the cleaner can concentrate on your most problematic concerns. This helps to ensure that the carpet cleaner won’t miss those areas during the cleaning process.
End Result
By following a few simple procedures ahead of the arrival of the carpet cleaning technician or crew, you’ll be guaranteed a great end result to your complete satisfaction and a house that looks fresh and up-to-date.